21 February 2006

Taxes in February

Well, hey hay!!

First of all, congratulations to the Rawlings family for their new addition in this level of the food chain. Maddy, don't freak out, your dad is always like that. It's normal.

My life is a little bit of something else right now. We got the whole dropping of most of my classes [I never did like that caste system anyway]. Was looking for a job for a couple of weeks and I managed to get one at the Burlington Coat Factory. Yeah, I work in the lines department. I actually enjoy this job. Plus it outdoes custodial work many, many times over.

Let me tell you, it's good to be busy again. Got the taxes done already and I will have a steady paycheck. Now I'm looking into purchases. Like unto a personal compy and a cell. Yeah, so that's pretty much it. And you all now have a vitamin C deficiency.


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