02 May 2006

The State of the Apartment Address

"The Lord gave Noah the rainbow sign:
No more water, the fire next time."
-Traditional Spiritual

Gentlemen and associated ladies:

A great schism is upon the apartment. Indeed, the entity known as Threepointfivia can no longer be tied to a specific place--number four was vacated by flood, and Felipe and I have migrated to Centennial II, number 11. Keith and company (including Jim) have been evacuated to Miller 9. The Meservys are fled. (Michael to French Housing, Matt to Reno). Happy Pirates lives on--practice this week at Miller basement 8:30pm, if I'm not mistaken. Keith, correct me on that one. Leaps and I are going to try to make HP East happen--and if it doesn't, we'll reintegrate into the original body of buccaneers. Keith is dating. I'm dating. Felipe's getting a pedicure. Cats and dogs, living together. Mass hysteria. We probably need to invite/remind some of Pirate practice and the existence of this blog. We definitely need to get the following onto the Threepointfivia blog:
Jim (remind him)
Derrall (M9)
Brian (M9)
Gonda (M9)
Jake (CII11)
Pete (CII11)
Cami (invite again, Keith's girlfriend)
Jenn (my girlfriend)

and prepare for expansion. I think it would be wise to have a combined apt. meeting at some point, and Pirate face-offs if HPE takes off.

News from #11:
We're getting along swimmingly. Pete and Leaps had some good bonding time. There are still a few kinks to work out, like the tenant who was supposed to move out but went on vacation instead. The incumbent roomie became a non-concern when we discovered that he was using the bigscreen/Xbox combo to play NES/SNES emulators instead of Halo or watching VH1 and BET all day. Everyday miracles do happen.


Blogger Krista said...

8:30? I heard 8. Which means I need one of those high-quality reminder slips I've come to love. Please, Dr. Jones?

Also, I'll miss the 4, but I can't say I'm sad to have what's left of the Miller portion of 3.5ia that much closer to me.

Blogger Keith said...

Yes, it will take some getting used to. Dr. Jones we need some invites (aka L.O.V.E.) on our doors.

I'm glad those creating the HPE#11 have good roommates with some vintage action going on as well.

Peas Lub Und Happi-Meals!

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